Urgency of Passion

Let us live my Lesbia
& let us love, & consider
All the rumors
Of crotchety old men

Suns fall able to rise again,
But for us
         once this brief light falls
Is one 
One night that we will sleep, endlessly.

Give me kisses a thousand, a hundred
Then a thousand again, then a second hundred
& then another thousand, continuously
& a hundred yet.Then when we’ve made so many thousands
Our kisses will confuse them
Lest we know, or lest
Someone fix us
With the evil eye,
Knowing how many the kisses



1975 – 1979 & 2016-0725-27 & 2019-0303


when I was a very young poet …

Yesterday the roses were mostly enormous
(The clouds were in the mailbox)
I was glad in the dark
Birds were near.

Oh, worst the wound, Still
I can notice:

The curtains blowing in with regular emptiness,
The silence of the snails of no reason,
The streets of no rain.
Most things look ridiculous:

I never loved the woman I wanted.
It will never be the same.

I hear the corridor empty of feet.

This snow holds no rose
Winter water’s here.

Who floats in a moat?
Knights don’t
Alligators don’t
And pickles, pickles are just sad alligators.
There is no patron with fine and willing daughters.
There’s nothing here to laugh about.
I’m all walked out. I’m through.
A single, simpering panda,
I’m trembling like a box of buttons.Oh, there’re houses
I’ve noticed;
Windows; women stuffed with cotton.
Women breathing.
Windows with lights
where the few remaining cowboys
aren’t dreaming.





Passing Denial

In a storm I arrived. My, what a blow! The wind wound down & around, winding up the trees as it unwound the windings of that now timeless town. Well, at least I was in.

The room I was given, that last one, at the end, it was a bother, at best. The bed would not sit even & there were nails sticking up from the floor. I couldn’t even close the door. Not that the points were jabbing up, but none of those heads were all the way down. “Ha! They need a pounding” I thought, remembering how people could stand or stick out at a symphony, whispering, rude, in a soft part among the woodwinds or strings. “So annoying” I’d thought then. My old macho.

I tried scooting the bed so the legs might find a smooth place to be. Useless. And my bare feet oozed. Nowhere to stand. “Nor lie, nor sit”. And that window! A maze of webs, strands bouncing in & out on the breeze. “At least” I thought, “at least those spiders stay their place”.

But I was always good at following instructions. Too good, in fact. Especially when nothing made sense. I’d showered, as I was told. Yet when I hung the towel outside, using the hook & pole provided, it all unwound. “At least I tried. Yes, I’d tried”. But that white towel was the trick of surrender.

Spiders got to the bed then. The clock unwound, Guideon gone, & I couldn’t move. And that breeze, now a wind again, wafted those webs in, windings that wound down around my wounded feet. Webs in my eyes. Webs, webs wound about my face, my hands; then my arms & head. And as the clock unwound, I froze. It was then that I knew. Then that I realized.



2016-0510 & 2019-0309


Reasonable Demands

1:  Determining whether you have flying ants, or winged termites is important in how you treat the problem. Some winged flying ants resemble the winged-swarming termite. Here are some ways to identify the differences: termites are boring, whereas flying ants have animated discussions. It’s fun to listen in. But termites should simply be ignored. Unless, of course you are a landlord.

2:  Now let’s talk about flying monkeys. Flying monkeys are there for you when the floor falls in. Otherwise, we don’t believe in flying monkeys.

The Wizard of Oz was written to malign flying monkeys. Little known secret, but he was a likely landlord. Landlords own all of the land. Regardless what you may think, or the scraps of paper in your hand, they run everything. And they want to ignore termites. And they don’t want to hear about flying monkeys. From a landlord’s perspective, when the floor falls in, that should be the end of it. Time for another tennant. But flying monkeys rescue tennants. So when flying monkeys come into a landlord’s life, well, it means new flooring, which is expensive. Why? Because rescued tennants are routinely mad. They make reasonable demands. Ergo, flying monkeys cost landlords money. Better to make them look bad, say anything to avoid paying attention to termites.

3:  And finally now, let’s not move along to flying cockroaches. Nothing good can be said about them. 



2016-0430 & 0710 & 2019 – 0311


“ultra Rilkean angel” ~Spicer

That night it rained
It rained all night
The wind
was in our ears
all night long-
Talked, we talked
But by morning
we weren’t listening
any more

Already birds
were at the window
the planets 
glowing in the garden-

Leaves were still falling
Yellow and dead, leaves
flattering the wind-
‘And I stood there
among the striking and shining
like a prince thinking of his disguise’

And I put on my small eyes-
Got embraced
Told to wear flannel



1972-74 & 2019-0313 & 0318


“down from the trees & admiring our thumbs” ~ Lewis Thomas, The Fragile Species


Science, which is from Latin, meaning to know, is not a belief system, nor a religion.

If it were, then the cars of self-described climate “non-believers” would not operate. Nor would any of the modern contraptions & conveniences on which they depend. Food would never have arrived at the stupor market & the lives they lived in front of the TV never would have happened. Passed tense.


Science is not a belief system, not a religion.

It is based on empirical data & reproducible fact. The extent of scientific fact is often preceded by theory, usually then either proven or disproved or supplanted by a more cogent, comprehensive new theory (CF: Einstein, Quantum Mechanics).

Science falters, becomes “junk science” when data is either co-opted, corrupted or cherry-picked to deliver desireable (albeit false) results to suit the agenda of government or industry.

This has been the case with all things nuclear since the Manhattan Project neared completion & government-corporation cooperation co-opted life & had their greedy claws in. Government greed for power, corporations’ greed for business & both willing to cheat, lie, pollute & kill to achieve their objectives &, in the process brought all life near to the end. Passed past, already long ago.

We were the nuclear generations.
There are nearly 500 nuclear generators in the world.

… If?

No, when the grid goes down or the workers don’t show up, or both, game over.



2016-1217 & 2019 0318


Bunnies in a burning hat.


Are we, finally, 
unjust consumers of illusion?

Do I really need this, that & other things?
Fungible fumbles

Plasticity, plastic city,
Amazoo ships it all to me.
Today it’s different, a necessity, this
replacement keyboard;
To write such poetry.

Yes, but no.


We are
creatures of habitat;
& our habits
killed that.

It’s not magic.
It is fact.

Bunnies in a burning hat.



2017-0901 & 2019-0322


“Love thy label as thyself” ~James Joyce

There I was, again, standing at the kitchen stink — which is painfully low for a tall man of degeneration, but that’s another story . . . lifting the counter height — wasting water & a finger nail to remove poisonous luminescent green ORGANIC labels that are, by design, difficult, if not impossible, to remove unless you are willing to either bruise or even destroy the fruit you’ve just bought. Bought at a premium to get “organic”. (Just forget about organic tomatoes unless you plan to eat them immediately.) Worse, if you leave the labels on & proceed to rinse the fruit, the labels never come off; you have to cut away that part of your purchase & throw it away; all the while remembering, there is no “away” — just use or waste or more waste.

I shop once a week. It’s both time & fuel efficient that way. So I buy a dozen apples once a week, & if, after the label dance, they are perforated, bleeding & bruised the gnats get them, then they rot & are gone before the week is over; so I pay a premium to eat “organic” & then toss it to waste. I refuse to participate. Refuse to add to the refuse, the waste of stupid haste.

But I want to get things organized, remove the labels, rinse the food, put all of the groceries away & get on with my life. Here in Empire I’m supposed to have the right to choose, right? So that’s how I live my life: a noble Roman trying to be responsible with the fruits of empire, knowing that others are suffering & I can’t do much about it except resist overt participation, vote for the lesser of two weevils, make responsible choices, & do my very best to help others at all times knowing that most people are too unconscious to ever understand that another person cared & attempted to help. (In fact, my experience tells me that helping not only goes unnoticed but also tends to cause trouble because I get blamed.) Knowing more. Knowing moron. More on that later. But, knowing that later on, or quite soon truly, it will all change, this empire of desire lacking an umpire to limit the fire, knowing that when the supply chains disintegrate in the acids of climate catastrophe . . . 

But until that time comes, I attempt to live my life as a good citizen: reduce my use of fossil fuel, serve wholesome unpoisoned food, & organize my doings so that I can have the time to serve others — or at least take responsible care of myself as I, myself, teeter at the edge of accelerating decrepitude, my Rx for opiates already way off the overdose charts.

So this label bull shit fuss pisses me off. I don’t like wasting my time. I don’t like wasting water. I don’t like scraping label gunk out from under my finger nails later in the afternoon. I don’t like not liking. Etc. I mean, all I want is some fucking peace & a chance to do something useful before I go. I just want peace, calm, sweetness. Sweetness like the taste of a good apple; crisp & firm & tart & sweet. A blessed life of priviledge practiced under the black wing of empire.

So I start to wonder, why do they DO this to their fruit? Well, another fraction of thought & it’s obvious: to solve a problem. OK, but what fucking problem? Detective Montelbano deduces: too many (three) people don’t want to pay the higher price of organic produce, they think they have a right to these apples flown in from Chile by fossil fools. But there is always a higher price. Then I’m wondering how many of Allende’s leftist, unionized supporters were slaughterd in those apple orchards, am I ingesting nutrients from their blood? 

Ok, so these evolved entitled eaters of organic only were peeling the labels off — in the fucking store, somehow sneaky no doubt but right there under the security cameras. Brilliance at the best. Like dinsoars in congress. At some point the store realized (maybe those security cams aren’t fake & maybe may be that they really do review those store security videos) that three regulars remove & then swap off the labels before checking out. So, in retaliation, the store pollutes the organic produce with industrial-strength labels & we nudge our collective unconscious horde another centimenter closer to disaster. Dis-aster: dead star-flowers. Everyone, store included, checks-out because there are health-conscious customers entitled to have organic produce without incurring the cost. And of course this must be stopped, no matter what the cost.

Does not compute. Some of those who must eat organic devolve to shopliftiing & have no qualms about poisoning their souls to avoid the higher price of organic. In the process that has evolved, they fuck anyone else who wants to actually pay for organic apples. It’s so simple. You see, there is an industrial solution for everything. Let’s just put WD-40 in the milk to keep the caps from getting stuck. Just in case.

Life in the world’s most exceptional nation means living among exceptional, entitled people. These sorts of people, as well as people like myself who have not taken the time to identify & strangle three culprits right there in the organic isle, have brought us to the edge of extinction. “It’s a priviledge,” she said, wiping the come off her lips as she sat back up in his gleaming BMW. As I’ve heard the privileged say,  “Gotta have my organic apple with my soy latte, which comes, I know, in a plasticized cup. And I feel bad about that.”


And here we go. There is no “away”. But there is a future of heat & flame & likely ashes, ashes, all fall down. . . & that, my friends, is about as away as this planet can go — though if we remain diligent & steadfast to our economy of scale with labels-as-usual, we may be able to push every earthen thing even further away, to a place well beyond ashes. Our planet, wasted in space. But then, who can stay to say? Prophet of perplexity, as I turn the faucet off, stopping that flow of profitable water, litter-ally embedded with tons of fossil fuels burned to move it from watershed to water faucet, I drift off with corky thoughts of orbiting astronauts stranded on the international space station. What’s in their faucet?



2019-0327 & 28


No Returns

We’d just emerged from that hospital when the claw snatched our vehicle up & we were told to tune to frequency 66.6 AM. Actually, as always, the radio was already tuned & turned itself on for us. All we really had to do was listen.

Now on the radio, the everpresent always pleasant voice instructed, “Keep the doors locked, windows rolled up, & arms, legs & heads inside, ‘Until this extincition event has subsided.'” 

Well, we saw that those who managed to remain in their cars were being cabled up & over a glowing ridge, so we stayed. We knew the price of disobedience.

And as we cleared the summit that same voice, now discernably robotic, crackled, “Sorry for the inconvenience.” 

That’s when we were dropped into the volcano.



2016- ?? & 1019 & 2019 0329